We love you.

Moses in the Wild
1 min readApr 13, 2023

The want of nothing. The absolute best is happening in the way all things happen. Discern and turn to the sunlight. Discern and mold. Your words carry meaning. Polite and resounding. This is the day of years gone by.

To say the last months have been a reward is speaking a manifestation, a manipulation of those days, those walks, that stress, turned into happy. I have never stopped believing and now that belief is thread. This quilt is built on faith and the proof of what it is to have faith. Reward and tie your hands to it. Tie your breath to it. Fire the kiln. The clay is ready.

The repair is slow but it is here. The healing hand, a marriage to the healing thoughts, born of the healing heart.. and that intimacy arrives. You can discuss the story. Someday.

Eyes open you see the beginning of this time, feeling yourself in that artifact, running yourself through that soil. “ we love you very much”. We love you.

art credit: Secret Place, Gediminas Pranckevičius



Moses in the Wild

new woodsman love stories, recovery, clinical counseling theories Bret Marston Hall