Member-only story
Sin and the passionate bleeder ( you will last forever)
The negotiation is painful. “Everything can be negotiated”,she says this while dialing her ex husband..I’m thinking of lighting this cigar and celebrating the end of the pain, but pain, that cannot be negotiated. It can’t even be ignored unless denial is a real thing and I, well shit…I’m wondering if asking her whether her ex husband would like a drag of this cigar or the knowledge that she is paying for a glimpse of my weakness. Questions saved for the Lyft ride home are “does he smoke cigars or just cock?”… negotiation averted..she agrees and the terms are falling like the ash stiff onto my shirt.
I wanted and I pleaded but the sleep won’t come.. guilt fucks with the sheep as they leap from the outstretched crook of my mind… “can’t we all be happy?” this is the chorus of child like bleating.. blah again and again..
The mind collects and the mind erases..
The man in the throwback Elvis ears is running the truly dead now, away from the pool by the front entrance. The days are tragic …. They don’t build those drugs the way they used to.. And we all become thieves dead set on eliminating other thieves… that’s why I’ll take my time getting there … take my time kissing the girl with the S on her lips…..long drag on that S shape… eyes fluttering… another butterfly effect.