a prayer is sent. and I know it is received. like a story written I can offer a portion, this one you will not need to steal. what is more important? a matter of right and wrong? this life is neither. I pray these blessings reach you, which I am keenly aware, are not mine to give. your legs return. your legs will return.
what is it to be forgiven?do you know when you can you feel it? can you feel this? what is the responsibility of the anchor, when it remains tied high? witness that alarm, and with this spindle of time ease what alarms. witness the resistance. join in the fire building, scorch the remnant, efforts of the rebellion. this is the luxury of your experience. start the fire and throw yourself in.
I have seen the shape shifting power of an intimate moment. I will not remake what has been made. to fight that urge is becoming natural. this is the way of non resistance. my prayers will mark the end of the myth of control.
he didn’t need to tell me where you’ve been, what you’ve done and how you lied. I wish it were different, I thought I was safe enough for honesty. your dishonesty is not my burden. as the sum of your peers is added up, I am justified here from the outside. it will never be different than that.
be careful
I see the forgotten child taking notes and learning to anticipate. it can be called good, but it’s just a maybe. that child won’t need to see those notes once habits take hold. this I have seen. it is hard to clean a spot after years of settling. love today brings love tomorrow, and neglect today brings the uncomfortable realization of a missed moment, a missed day, missed years and apathy for the excuse. the excuse becomes the person, becomes the characterization of a childhood. and that is only apparent when we are self aware enough to see that we have failed to grow. who can expect this from a child? take this message and throw it into the flames. it is the doing not the thinking. look into the past and find that the shadow is the result. it is not a mistake to behave in ways that feel safe. it is a mistake to never feel safe without those behaviors. it is a mistake to replace a self less love for your selfish needs.
art credit: FIGHT — — Rats don’t rot