as it turns out, the easier way won’t place a coat of character on this. and I’ve grown passed the secondary leveled reassessments. I think I like what family means. it is not perfect, it is not neat, not always. I can say without too much thought, I respect your fight.
that’s all that remains, fight, more fight. a strengthening of the mind. makes legs strong like horses. leaves the fine dust of respect. I am kind in light of the trespass. it is not shame as much as it is believed. almost trusted. deserved. and I am kind in light of the time loss, the respect drained, and the miles walked.
getting back to start, back to the beginning. core focused. the measure of what I say I am to me. what I would not say aloud. core focused, tighter, and tighter. just a few weeks.
art credit: Njideka Akunyili Crosby (Nigerian, b. 1983), Still You Bloom in This Land of No Gardens, 2021. Acrylic, transfers, color pencil and collage on paper, 96 x 108 in.