Member-only story
as tall as trees
You know about all the hats I’ve collected. The travel log, one me .. all that road. I’ve stared down more than my share … much more than I would have thought allowed. The shift we’re in beloved. The air we’re in…
This air and the years.. the dream made true.. my eyesight and the hair.. I can still write with eyes closed.. I can still draw stills from your rolling energy. Even while frozen on my screen you are energetic. I can see we have another summit coming ahead. So I walk heavy behind you pushing the debris and smaller rocks down and away.. I circle the wagons and you think of Texan dinners.. I mend the fences and you bring that second shipment .. reinforcing the wire, reinforcing the chain… this is a shared skin.. using the word together..
And I am blessed to love a woman.. and she is blessing my gait and I am grateful for her return.. a person, I am in love with a person. She is more than blood, teeth and taste.. I am still…
Tasting her
She calls and orders the table.. she calls and requests I show up.. we build the solar car and the new day expectancy is that I resemble the sun.. it is there even when hidden.. I still feel her hands and mouth …..
Tasting me
After all these miles and days and hours .. the relapse and the conviction, the conversation and the indictment and the…